Thursday, 18 October 2012

Sleeves Make All The Difference

I have something very important to tell you all. It involves something very important in my life... my coats. Yes my coats they are very special to me and expand nearly every month. And I have another (well maybe others) that I feel it is my duty to add to the family #fashiongirlproblems. A leather sleeved jacket. Those three words have become the centre of my attention and I will not rest until I have them in my clutches.

This is a trend that I have noticed for some time now it just has not been at the forefront of my attention (see there was this fur coat that I needed, but that's a different story). But now I see what I've been missing and must have on or two or the shop full. There are trenches, army jackets and just plain black ones there is most definitely a style for everyone.

How pretty are these??? The best places for these jackets on the high street are Zara (but expect them to be a little or a lot on the pricey side ), Primark are doing their signature knock off of the army jacket and eBay is also a great place to go. But be careful when things are from overseas the shipping rates and quality can be a tad on the pooey side.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Let's Have A Little Class

I am very very very sorry that I have not been blogging as much. I feel that my behaviour towards my blog is disgraceful its like my child and I have been a bad mother #howrude. But I'm back!! And I feel really crummy but school and work (that makes me sound really old and grown-up #notimpressed) and sitting infront of the television are just taking all my time, so I decided that as a welcome back I would give you a little lesson on one of the key things I have been learning on my Fashion Course (how cool does that sound?).
When we first started talking fashion illustration I couldn't think of one illustrator that I knew #shameful, but when you think about it in most major fashion magazines there are illustations on a few of the pages. So we have been learning about fashion illustrations and fashion illustrators (it's even cooler than it sounds). So we've spent the week doing research on contemporary and historical fashion illustrators and I thought you people would like to see some of the cool illustrators that I found.

This first illustrator is called David Downton. It sad but true that I chose to research him because his last name was Downton and that seemed good enough for me, but when I actually looked at his work I was very impressed and when I read a summary of his biography I realised I'm not the only one that likes his work. He has a long list of well known clients. If you have a chance I recommend looking him up on Wikipedia or reading his website because he is very interesting.

This illustrator is called Cedric Rivrain. He is a French illustrator and designer and also has a long list of well-known clients. He aslo has a website but you can't really find that much information on there. His illustrations are amazing, he works with only pens and pencils to create his masterpieces (just go through his illustrations on google images and I know you like me will be impressed). I choose this illustration because it somes up what Cedric Rivrain is about. he draws his models in black and white and his clothing in colour to make it stand out more and that it does.

#I hope you have enjoyed your little class on contemporary fashion illustrators and I hope to share more of my new found knowledge with you in the near future.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


I think its disgraceful that I haven't written anything since the 21st of September, the 21st!! Blame college. So much has happened (fashion wise) since then I have turned (gasp) a year older. Yes it was very distressing not being 16 any more #sadface. But anyway as they say the show goes on (I don't think this applies in this situation but oh well).

Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model was fini yesterday and I have two sets of photos to show you since I was a Lazy Lucy and didn't blog about them. The comment will sort of be pointless now since we know who the winner is, but for those of you who don't I shan't ruin it till the end and will still at my (mostly) lovely comments. Here you are #yourwelcome.

The first set of photos were taken when there was four girls left in the running scroll down to see who was the evictee #spoileralert.

Lisa: poor old Lisa this photo really does must definitely not work for her. I love what she is wearing, but the pose just looks strange its stressing me out. And as usual the judges thought the same. She's also pulling that pouty face that also very much stresses me out. But she has a model body, just has to work on her face.

Emma: She looks like a Hollywood movie star. I think this pose works really well, her legs look elongated. Her face is breath-taking and I think this shot works really well. She show of the shoes very well and the clothes are very suited to her. We also excepted the fact that Emma just doesn't have a personality and now we can focus on how amazing her photos are #sorted.

Letitia: Them shoes and that jumper are a big no no. This always seem to happen when I try and talk about Letitia I get side tracked by the stylists fashion choices #fashiongirlproblems. Anyway back to the model at hand. The pose doesn't work and the way her face hits the light makes her look a lot older than she is and not in a flattering way (if there is one). She is just relying on her prettiness and with two weeks left (at the time) she cannot afford to do that.

Anita: last and probably least Anita. Her body looks amazing but her face is bleugh. Just gross plain gross. The outfit looks amazing on her and her legs look so long. I really do want this outfit. In Anita's defence on the day of this shoot it was absolutely freezing and she didn't once complain. So it shows that she really wants this and has a good work ethic, which can't be said for some of the other contestants #justsaying.

And because I am sooo mean (and well lazy) I will leave the other photos until tomorrow. But as promised sadly the girl that went out was........ Lisa #abouttohaveabreakdown. I know Lisa has the potential to become a working model and I know she will go far. #needtofindanotherfavourite.