Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Rizzle Kicks and Shoes Make Everything Better

 I watched Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model yesterday (there is a point to this story I promise). Usually when I watch it I get annoyed because they have the opportunity of a lifetime and they just complain all the time #ridiculous.

So after they whined for like 30 minutes they were finally told what the theme of the photo shoot was. There were selling shoes in a shoot with Rizzle Kicks, and I loved the outcome of the photos so I decided I would tell you all about them.
 This first photo above has the model Roxanne in it, who was having a particularly hard week being away from her daughter (whining I can actually understand). The photo came out well and she commanded the photo and tried lots of different poses and ended up getting second photo of the week.

This next photo is of Lisa (who got first photo of the week, and rightly deserved). I love the way her face and pose look in this photo and the way her and the boys interacted worked well. I also like Lisa as a person on the show because she is grateful and happy to be there and realises what a big opportunity this is and she's Irish, which is always a plus. So I hope she wins #favourite.
 This next photo was by Anita, I love they way every one's shoes look in this photo, especially Anita's I love this type of shoe, they can be found at the Top shop's website. If you're a fan of Rizzle Kicks shoes (and if you're a male this is an example of how boys should be dressing) they can be found at office.co.uk under Nike Male/ Female shoes.

This photo below to the left is Risikat, usually I like her because she doesn't get involved in all the petty arguments and whine all the time. But this week she had a mini meltdown that cost her the challenge when she walked off. Luckily she redeemed herself with her photo. I love it since the three of them seem to fit together.

The photo below to the right is Letitia who is a favourite. She knows she's good, so no one likes her, I predict her in the final because she's good at what she does. The judges didn't like her photo this week but I thought it was really good and I thought her and Rizzle Kicks looked like a 90's crew (that I would love to be apart of #justsaying).

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