Friday, 31 August 2012

Obsessions And Vintage Glamour

Can I just say that I have a new obsession in life, and that obsession is Downton Abbey. This always happens when I watch one of my mother's shows, I think I'm not going to like it, and then I'm hooked. I start wondering what's going to happen next and get emotionally attached to the characters #howverysad.

But anyway this had me thinking about how it must have been to live in 1912 (I still cannot believe that's 100 years ago #timegoesfast) and how it must been wearing those vintage (well not vintage at the time) items of clothing.

I love how all the characters both upstairs and downstairs dressed. Lady Mary, Edith and Sybil's clothes are beautiful and you can see the change through the years as the fashion (well maybe not Edith) becomes more relaxed. From tight fitted corsets at the beginning of the program in 1912 to Flapper dresses as they go through the 1920's. This is a great way to show how fashion evolved.

The gentlemen's clothing both upstairs and downstairs is amazing. I wished people dressed like this today. I'd love to go round wearing Flapper dresses all day long and men wearing tuxedos, how glamorous would life be? I'd probably go round thinking I was in a Bugsy Malone film, #borninthewrongdecade.

It would be nice to see this type of fashion make its way back in to our highstreet and wardrobes. But maybe not those corsets. To try and add some of this vintage glamour to your wardrobes the places to go are Vintage/ Charity shops, eBay and ZARA.

I don't know what it is about Downton Abbey that makes many people so interested but it seems to have a way of doing so. Their gripping storylines, impeccable dress sense and Maggie Smith's hilarious outbursts are probably what keeps me interested. I cannot wait for its return in September #happy.

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