The competitions getting closer as there were only seven girls left (six by the end of the show and for once I was happy with the result #didn'tthrowmytoysoutthepram). This week speaking was as important as posing. The challenge saw the girls giving their honest opinions on each other, and saying it didn't go well would be an understatement. There were tears, tantrums and home truths but mostly everyone got over them.
So now to the photo's. The theme this week was to become 'broken dolls', it wasn't about being pretty, but looking like a doll from the Victorian times, and here is how they did:

Risikat: Photo of the week this week. I love the wardrobe choice in this photo, but as the guest judge pointed out a model's job is to sell the clothes and she isn't doing it in this photo. She gets the point of the photo and is using her body well. Her facial expression also works well in the photo, and her face is the first thing I look to when I see this photo. #goodjob.

Madeline: No just no. I should just refuse to comment on her because she should NOT be in competition at the halfway point. But I am not (nearly but not) that petty and will give credit where credit is due. She tried really hard on this photo shoot (which was nice to see). Her pose is okay, her legs look really long in this photo. Her facial expression is well, she gave it her all and sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn't. I'll leave you to decide if it does, but sadly Madeline was sent home.

Lisa: Not Lisa's best photograph. Even though she is my favourite and has the best attitude, so I won't hold it against her. She didn't really understand how to use her face and it shows, in most of her photos she was pouting which did not go with the theme of the shoot. She was nearly in the bottom two, but was spared. There's always next week.

Letitia: Well she had a hard week with the new nickname of 'crybaby' which only really made her cry more. But she pulled it out for the photo shoot and was the photographer's favourite of the day. She had a wide variety of poses and facial expressions, but the photo that was chosen did not show this (I really want to know who picks these photos I'd like to have a word with them). Her face looks possessed and not in a good way (if there is one) and she had much better poses. #whatashame.

Anita: She is doing so well, she takes criticism on board and gets better every week. In this photo it looks like what she's selling is expensive, Her pose is flawless and she doesn't even look like herself in the face. Overall a great shot, I think she should have got best photo #justsaying.

Emma: Last but not least. She looks breath-taking in this photo, but has missed the point. She looks too pretty, and the poses aren't very doll-like but it's such a good shot that it kind of makes up for it, and she got 3rd picture so the judges liked it (which is always a bonus).
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