Friday, 21 September 2012

The Continuation Of A Ritual,That Is Late.

You all probably know by now that this post is about Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model. Five girls left. What am I going to do when this show is over? #seriously. Anyway back to business, with only a few shows to go the girls went on a trip to Canada (Oh Canada! That is a song honest.) Most girls had to face their fear of heights when they had to catwalk (attached to wire) around one of Toronto's tallest buildings, which most of the ladies managed to do.

The photo shoot this week had the lovely back drop of Niagara Falls and the girls had to model the clothes from one of my favourite high street brands Miss Selfridge. Since this is the brand that one of the girls who wins the show will be the face of, this was good opportunity to impress the client and judge Whitney Port who was also on hand to help point the models in the right direction. So with the wonderful back drop and amazing clothes, lets see how they all did.

I think Emma did very well in this photo. She makes the clothes look desirable, and her posture makes her look taller. She is stunning in this photo and she looks calm, which contrasts with her surroundings. She would be a good face for their line and represents the brand well. She also appeals to Miss Selfridge's target market in a way that she appeals to women and men which is always quite tricky. The only thing Emma needs to work on is making herself and personality as memorable as her pictures.

Anita!!! I love this photo end of. Maybe because I really want this dress. Her legs look a 1000 miles long, which is always a good thing for a model. The backdrop most certainly works in her favour and she looks like the Queen of Niagara Falls. Anita does need to work more on her face, particularly showing emotion in her eyes, but other than that she has done a great job this week and I think if she keeps improving, she should be in the finals.  

Lisa Lisa Lisa. Huh well I love Lisa, really I do but I'm not keen on this pose. She's letting the clothes wear her instead of the other way around. I think if maybe she stretched her arms out or put them on her head it would've looked more interesting. I was not the only one who felt this way as the judges didn't like it either and she was nearly sent home.  But luckily the judges spared her and she can show them next week why she deserves to stay. The only teeny weeny problem I have with Lisa is the pouting. She pouts all the time. She needs to try other facial expressions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Poor Risikat. This picture gave her the boot. How unfortunate. I really don't think the photo is that bad. I mean the dress is gross but that's not her fault. and the pose leaves a little to be desired, especially since she's usually so good with her poses. I just don't understand what she's trying to get across in this photo. She looks bored, like someone's forcing her to be there. One of the judges said she looks like she is there on a family holiday and she was forced to take a picture in front of the lovely view. Oh well we will never know Risikat's full potential because she's gone. But I wish her all the best, even though you know on reality shows when they say 'You haven't seen the last of me' well, usually we have? I think this is one of those situations.  

I love this jacket. Well done Miss Selfridge! Of course Letitia looks nice too. I don't know why but this photo looks really urban. Letitia is quite consistent and this is a good (but not one of her best) photo. It was enough to get her through but she is still relying on her prettiness which is not enough. Hopefully in the next week (since the clocks a ticking) she'll improve and produce a spectacular photo.

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