Well, as the title would suggest this is my latest fashion wise problem. I have found a new style icon, and her name is Sophia Sassoon. She is a new star on E4's Made in Chelsea, and I must give props where they are due, and they are certainly due in this case. I've done some research, and found out that she is an actress and model (so that may possibly have something to do with her impeccable sense of style). The only way I can describe her look is chic and sophisticated. From what I've seen on the show Sophia always wears dark or neutral colours (but her twitter picture shows her in bright red @sophiasassoon). She dresses up her dark colours by adding glamour so it doesn't feel drab and depressing like a funeral everyday. Sophia is wearing a trend that is very much now #luckyforus. So there are many places to get her look. ZARA would be one of the best places to go as they are very on the sophisticated all (or nearly all) black look (but when going in ZARA I tend to avoid looking at prices since when I do I tend to usually have to put down whatever it was I was looking to see the price off). So other places that are good include: New Look, River Island, Next, Matalan and I even found some nice pieces in Primark (I don't know why I'm acting surprised they have some really good stuff in there, well sometimes). With their black leather- sleeved jumpers, trenches and coats, also wet-look trousers and Chelsea (no pun intended) boots are also a great place to go is Topshop. Another way to help stay with this look is plain blouses with stand out jewellery pieces (like Peter Pan collars and studded necklaces).
For the joy of the world known as clothes. Me chatting about the amount of time fashion and clothes wonder in my mind.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Have You Ever Wanted To Just Rob Someone's Full Wardrobe?
Friday, 9 November 2012
Fur And Studs: The Best Way Of Glamour
Hello people! I do apologise for my lack of writing skills (as usual I will blame school). How are we all and what lovely things have we been spending our income on? Well, let me tell you mine: Furs (not real ones) and Studs. Which as you could probably tell by the title is what this little piece is about.
Have you all seen (and if you've been into Topshop then you definitely will have) these fur scarf's? They are amazing because it saves you buying a new jacket with a detachable collar, instead just buy the collar and save yourself some money. Then you can add it to all your jackets (or the ones it matches with). Loaaaaads of stores are picking up on this (as they rightly should we are in a recession) and there are many to choose from. Topshop (yes I know I already mentioned) are selling long fluffy fur collars that could pass for scarf's But H&M are doing fur collars in a Peter Pan style that would go well with jumpers and blouses how fetch. But as always the most varied (and probably cheapest) place to go is eBay, I really don't know what we did before it, you will have to trail through many pages to find a gem, but when your item comes in the post its usually worth it.
On to the next topic: studs. I know your probably thinking that I'm terribly late as this is a trend that has been going on all summer and autumn, but this is different. I have you thought about getting the studs yourself and adding them to clothes you already have (if the answers yes just act surprised at my discovery okay?) The places to look are River Island that sell them in stores in little packs or of course eBay who sell 100's for and couple of pounds, I just bought some for my army jacket and when they arrive I'll show you how it goes.

Have you all seen (and if you've been into Topshop then you definitely will have) these fur scarf's? They are amazing because it saves you buying a new jacket with a detachable collar, instead just buy the collar and save yourself some money. Then you can add it to all your jackets (or the ones it matches with). Loaaaaads of stores are picking up on this (as they rightly should we are in a recession) and there are many to choose from. Topshop (yes I know I already mentioned) are selling long fluffy fur collars that could pass for scarf's But H&M are doing fur collars in a Peter Pan style that would go well with jumpers and blouses how fetch. But as always the most varied (and probably cheapest) place to go is eBay, I really don't know what we did before it, you will have to trail through many pages to find a gem, but when your item comes in the post its usually worth it.
On to the next topic: studs. I know your probably thinking that I'm terribly late as this is a trend that has been going on all summer and autumn, but this is different. I have you thought about getting the studs yourself and adding them to clothes you already have (if the answers yes just act surprised at my discovery okay?) The places to look are River Island that sell them in stores in little packs or of course eBay who sell 100's for and couple of pounds, I just bought some for my army jacket and when they arrive I'll show you how it goes.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Sleeves Make All The Difference
I have something very important to tell you all. It involves something very important in my life... my coats. Yes my coats they are very special to me and expand nearly every month. And I have another (well maybe others) that I feel it is my duty to add to the family #fashiongirlproblems. A leather sleeved jacket. Those three words have become the centre of my attention and I will not rest until I have them in my clutches.
This is a trend that I have noticed for some time now it just has not been at the forefront of my attention (see there was this fur coat that I needed, but that's a different story). But now I see what I've been missing and must have on or two or the shop full. There are trenches, army jackets and just plain black ones there is most definitely a style for everyone.
How pretty are these??? The best places for these jackets on the high street are Zara (but expect them to be a little or a lot on the pricey side ), Primark are doing their signature knock off of the army jacket and eBay is also a great place to go. But be careful when things are from overseas the shipping rates and quality can be a tad on the pooey side.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Let's Have A Little Class
I am very very very sorry that I have not been blogging as much. I feel that my behaviour towards my blog is disgraceful its like my child and I have been a bad mother #howrude. But I'm back!! And I feel really crummy but school and work (that makes me sound really old and grown-up #notimpressed) and sitting infront of the television are just taking all my time, so I decided that as a welcome back I would give you a little lesson on one of the key things I have been learning on my Fashion Course (how cool does that sound?).
When we first started talking fashion illustration I couldn't think of one illustrator that I knew #shameful, but when you think about it in most major fashion magazines there are illustations on a few of the pages. So we have been learning about fashion illustrations and fashion illustrators (it's even cooler than it sounds). So we've spent the week doing research on contemporary and historical fashion illustrators and I thought you people would like to see some of the cool illustrators that I found.
This first illustrator is called David Downton. It sad but true that I chose to research him because his last name was Downton and that seemed good enough for me, but when I actually looked at his work I was very impressed and when I read a summary of his biography I realised I'm not the only one that likes his work. He has a long list of well known clients. If you have a chance I recommend looking him up on Wikipedia or reading his website because he is very interesting.
This illustrator is called Cedric Rivrain. He is a French illustrator and designer and also has a long list of well-known clients. He aslo has a website but you can't really find that much information on there. His illustrations are amazing, he works with only pens and pencils to create his masterpieces (just go through his illustrations on google images and I know you like me will be impressed). I choose this illustration because it somes up what Cedric Rivrain is about. he draws his models in black and white and his clothing in colour to make it stand out more and that it does.
#I hope you have enjoyed your little class on contemporary fashion illustrators and I hope to share more of my new found knowledge with you in the near future.
When we first started talking fashion illustration I couldn't think of one illustrator that I knew #shameful, but when you think about it in most major fashion magazines there are illustations on a few of the pages. So we have been learning about fashion illustrations and fashion illustrators (it's even cooler than it sounds). So we've spent the week doing research on contemporary and historical fashion illustrators and I thought you people would like to see some of the cool illustrators that I found.
This first illustrator is called David Downton. It sad but true that I chose to research him because his last name was Downton and that seemed good enough for me, but when I actually looked at his work I was very impressed and when I read a summary of his biography I realised I'm not the only one that likes his work. He has a long list of well known clients. If you have a chance I recommend looking him up on Wikipedia or reading his website because he is very interesting.
This illustrator is called Cedric Rivrain. He is a French illustrator and designer and also has a long list of well-known clients. He aslo has a website but you can't really find that much information on there. His illustrations are amazing, he works with only pens and pencils to create his masterpieces (just go through his illustrations on google images and I know you like me will be impressed). I choose this illustration because it somes up what Cedric Rivrain is about. he draws his models in black and white and his clothing in colour to make it stand out more and that it does.
#I hope you have enjoyed your little class on contemporary fashion illustrators and I hope to share more of my new found knowledge with you in the near future.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
I think its disgraceful that I haven't written anything since the 21st of September, the 21st!! Blame college. So much has happened (fashion wise) since then I have turned (gasp) a year older. Yes it was very distressing not being 16 any more #sadface. But anyway as they say the show goes on (I don't think this applies in this situation but oh well).
Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model was fini yesterday and I have two sets of photos to show you since I was a Lazy Lucy and didn't blog about them. The comment will sort of be pointless now since we know who the winner is, but for those of you who don't I shan't ruin it till the end and will still at my (mostly) lovely comments. Here you are #yourwelcome.
The first set of photos were taken when there was four girls left in the running scroll down to see who was the evictee #spoileralert.
Lisa: poor old Lisa this photo really does must definitely not work for her. I love what she is wearing, but the pose just looks strange its stressing me out. And as usual the judges thought the same. She's also pulling that pouty face that also very much stresses me out. But she has a model body, just has to work on her face.

Emma: She looks like a Hollywood movie star. I think this pose works really well, her legs look elongated. Her face is breath-taking and I think this shot works really well. She show of the shoes very well and the clothes are very suited to her. We also excepted the fact that Emma just doesn't have a personality and now we can focus on how amazing her photos are #sorted.
Letitia: Them shoes and that jumper are a big no no. This always seem to happen when I try and talk about Letitia I get side tracked by the stylists fashion choices #fashiongirlproblems. Anyway back to the model at hand. The pose doesn't work and the way her face hits the light makes her look a lot older than she is and not in a flattering way (if there is one). She is just relying on her prettiness and with two weeks left (at the time) she cannot afford to do that.
Anita: last and probably least Anita. Her body looks amazing but her face is bleugh. Just gross plain gross. The outfit looks amazing on her and her legs look so long. I really do want this outfit. In Anita's defence on the day of this shoot it was absolutely freezing and she didn't once complain. So it shows that she really wants this and has a good work ethic, which can't be said for some of the other contestants #justsaying.
And because I am sooo mean (and well lazy) I will leave the other photos until tomorrow. But as promised sadly the girl that went out was........ Lisa #abouttohaveabreakdown. I know Lisa has the potential to become a working model and I know she will go far. #needtofindanotherfavourite.
Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model was fini yesterday and I have two sets of photos to show you since I was a Lazy Lucy and didn't blog about them. The comment will sort of be pointless now since we know who the winner is, but for those of you who don't I shan't ruin it till the end and will still at my (mostly) lovely comments. Here you are #yourwelcome.
The first set of photos were taken when there was four girls left in the running scroll down to see who was the evictee #spoileralert.
Lisa: poor old Lisa this photo really does must definitely not work for her. I love what she is wearing, but the pose just looks strange its stressing me out. And as usual the judges thought the same. She's also pulling that pouty face that also very much stresses me out. But she has a model body, just has to work on her face.

Emma: She looks like a Hollywood movie star. I think this pose works really well, her legs look elongated. Her face is breath-taking and I think this shot works really well. She show of the shoes very well and the clothes are very suited to her. We also excepted the fact that Emma just doesn't have a personality and now we can focus on how amazing her photos are #sorted.
Letitia: Them shoes and that jumper are a big no no. This always seem to happen when I try and talk about Letitia I get side tracked by the stylists fashion choices #fashiongirlproblems. Anyway back to the model at hand. The pose doesn't work and the way her face hits the light makes her look a lot older than she is and not in a flattering way (if there is one). She is just relying on her prettiness and with two weeks left (at the time) she cannot afford to do that.
Anita: last and probably least Anita. Her body looks amazing but her face is bleugh. Just gross plain gross. The outfit looks amazing on her and her legs look so long. I really do want this outfit. In Anita's defence on the day of this shoot it was absolutely freezing and she didn't once complain. So it shows that she really wants this and has a good work ethic, which can't be said for some of the other contestants #justsaying.
And because I am sooo mean (and well lazy) I will leave the other photos until tomorrow. But as promised sadly the girl that went out was........ Lisa #abouttohaveabreakdown. I know Lisa has the potential to become a working model and I know she will go far. #needtofindanotherfavourite.
Friday, 21 September 2012
The Continuation Of A Ritual,That Is Late.
You all probably know by now that this post is about Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model. Five girls left. What am I going to do when this show is over? #seriously. Anyway back to business, with only a few shows to go the girls went on a trip to Canada (Oh Canada! That is a song honest.) Most girls had to face their fear of heights when they had to catwalk (attached to wire) around one of Toronto's tallest buildings, which most of the ladies managed to do.
The photo shoot this week had the lovely back drop of Niagara Falls and the girls had to model the clothes from one of my favourite high street brands Miss Selfridge. Since this is the brand that one of the girls who wins the show will be the face of, this was good opportunity to impress the client and judge Whitney Port who was also on hand to help point the models in the right direction. So with the wonderful back drop and amazing clothes, lets see how they all did.
The photo shoot this week had the lovely back drop of Niagara Falls and the girls had to model the clothes from one of my favourite high street brands Miss Selfridge. Since this is the brand that one of the girls who wins the show will be the face of, this was good opportunity to impress the client and judge Whitney Port who was also on hand to help point the models in the right direction. So with the wonderful back drop and amazing clothes, lets see how they all did.
I think Emma did very well in this photo. She makes the clothes look desirable, and her posture makes her look taller. She is stunning in this photo and she looks calm, which contrasts with her surroundings. She would be a good face for their line and represents the brand well. She also appeals to Miss Selfridge's target market in a way that she appeals to women and men which is always quite tricky. The only thing Emma needs to work on is making herself and personality as memorable as her pictures.
Anita!!! I love this photo end of. Maybe because I really want this dress. Her legs look a 1000 miles long, which is always a good thing for a model. The backdrop most certainly works in her favour and she looks like the Queen of Niagara Falls. Anita does need to work more on her face, particularly showing emotion in her eyes, but other than that she has done a great job this week and I think if she keeps improving, she should be in the finals.
Lisa Lisa Lisa. Huh well I love Lisa, really I do but I'm not keen on this pose. She's letting the clothes wear her instead of the other way around. I think if maybe she stretched her arms out or put them on her head it would've looked more interesting. I was not the only one who felt this way as the judges didn't like it either and she was nearly sent home. But luckily the judges spared her and she can show them next week why she deserves to stay. The only teeny weeny problem I have with Lisa is the pouting. She pouts all the time. She needs to try other facial expressions.
Poor Risikat. This picture gave her the boot. How unfortunate. I really don't think the photo is that bad. I mean the dress is gross but that's not her fault. and the pose leaves a little to be desired, especially since she's usually so good with her poses. I just don't understand what she's trying to get across in this photo. She looks bored, like someone's forcing her to be there. One of the judges said she looks like she is there on a family holiday and she was forced to take a picture in front of the lovely view. Oh well we will never know Risikat's full potential because she's gone. But I wish her all the best, even though you know on reality shows when they say 'You haven't seen the last of me' well, usually we have? I think this is one of those situations.
I love this jacket. Well done Miss Selfridge! Of course Letitia looks nice too. I don't know why but this photo looks really urban. Letitia is quite consistent and this is a good (but not one of her best) photo. It was enough to get her through but she is still relying on her prettiness which is not enough. Hopefully in the next week (since the clocks a ticking) she'll improve and produce a spectacular photo.
Monday, 17 September 2012
ITS LONDON FASHION WEEK!!! Burberry My One True Love.
I must say that is my favourite time of year. Without a doubt (after Christmas and my Birthday) it is a wonderful time of the year. There is one show I always look forward to, the show of the season is with no hesitation: The Burberry Show. It is the most spectacular, breathtaking show ever.
When I finally have enough money to buy a trench coat from their store I will die a happy girl #notevenkidding. The show this year was more spectacular than usual. Filled with the celebrity elite and the fashion wisest (my invitation must have got lost in the mail). I tried to add the full video of the show but it won't let me #meanies. But here's the link for those whose letters also got lost in the mail and desperate to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBG7JTbioxE&feature=youtu.be #yourwelcome.
And because I am also so kind and want to make this post look pretty here are some photos from this show and the Fall 2012 show.
When I finally have enough money to buy a trench coat from their store I will die a happy girl #notevenkidding. The show this year was more spectacular than usual. Filled with the celebrity elite and the fashion wisest (my invitation must have got lost in the mail). I tried to add the full video of the show but it won't let me #meanies. But here's the link for those whose letters also got lost in the mail and desperate to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBG7JTbioxE&feature=youtu.be #yourwelcome.
And because I am also so kind and want to make this post look pretty here are some photos from this show and the Fall 2012 show.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
And The Weekly Ritual Continues
As the title says you will probably guess that this is for the photos that the Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model hopefuls took. So shall we get on and see how they did for anyone who missed it or doesn't live in this country, even though I'm sure wherever you live they have a version of 'Next Top Model' and its probably very good (seriously I was watching Nigeria's Next Top Model the other day, fascinating stuff #notkidding).
The models (or soon to be for some) had two photo shoots this week (however will they cope). One was (supposed to be, but it didn't really turn out like it) a sultry shoot with three (yes three) taranchula's, and the other was a beauty shoot for the Revlon campaign, which the winner will be the new face of. The Revlon photos are first.
I think Anita did well this week. It seems like I say this every week because she really is progressing. Her attitude is becoming something of a problem for the other girls which doesn't surprise me. The shot is beautiful and she would be a great face for their campaign.

Emma, good old (boring) Emma. It seems like I forget about her every single week without fail which would probably be because she has as much personality as a fish finger. She is beautiful but as Tyra has told us many times before that's not enough. We cannot always rely on what mommy and daddy gave us, and this is most certainly what she is doing in this photo.

Yay Lisa my favourite is still here!!#happyhappyhappy. This shot is stunning. She would be a great face for their campaign. She makes the viewer want to buy what she is selling with her likeability. She would be a great face to represent the Revlon brand.

Letitia was good as always. I felt so bad for her because judge Julien Macdonald was so cruel to her #meanie. But she is also pulling an Emma and relying on the gift mommy and daddy gave her. I think she could definitely be a finalist if she tries a little harder and doesn't rely purely on her beauty.

Can I just say how beautiful does Risikat look in this photo??#stunning. I think Risikat is definitely leading the pack when it comes to beauty photos #justsayinng. And she has stunned us yet again.
The models (or soon to be for some) had two photo shoots this week (however will they cope). One was (supposed to be, but it didn't really turn out like it) a sultry shoot with three (yes three) taranchula's, and the other was a beauty shoot for the Revlon campaign, which the winner will be the new face of. The Revlon photos are first.
I think Anita did well this week. It seems like I say this every week because she really is progressing. Her attitude is becoming something of a problem for the other girls which doesn't surprise me. The shot is beautiful and she would be a great face for their campaign.

Emma, good old (boring) Emma. It seems like I forget about her every single week without fail which would probably be because she has as much personality as a fish finger. She is beautiful but as Tyra has told us many times before that's not enough. We cannot always rely on what mommy and daddy gave us, and this is most certainly what she is doing in this photo.

Yay Lisa my favourite is still here!!#happyhappyhappy. This shot is stunning. She would be a great face for their campaign. She makes the viewer want to buy what she is selling with her likeability. She would be a great face to represent the Revlon brand.

Letitia was good as always. I felt so bad for her because judge Julien Macdonald was so cruel to her #meanie. But she is also pulling an Emma and relying on the gift mommy and daddy gave her. I think she could definitely be a finalist if she tries a little harder and doesn't rely purely on her beauty.

Can I just say how beautiful does Risikat look in this photo??#stunning. I think Risikat is definitely leading the pack when it comes to beauty photos #justsayinng. And she has stunned us yet again.
Now for the second batch of photos that were taken with three guests: And
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Striking While The British Weather Iron Is Hot
To whoever reads this blog: It has been too long. I don't even have an excuse since I start school tomorrow (don't worry I will keep you updated with how the outfit choices go). But on with the blog (that was cheesy but this isn't really a show is it). And that show would be today's outfit:
Well I tried to strike while the British weather iron was hot and wore (dun dun dun) a dress. I do love the dress I wore today, this picture doesn't really do it justice but it is from Miss Selfridge, the colour is either really light pink or nude. I decided that was enough colour for me and the rest of the outfit is black. The leggings, sunglasses and undershirt are from Primark with Dr. Martens (if you want these shows at a lower price check eBay and Amazon at sale times).
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
This Is Becoming Like A Weekly Ritual
It's been too long since I've blogged, I feel like this is my child and I've neglected it. I blame Downton Abbey and The Hunger Games. Anyway I'm back now and Britain And Ireland's Next Top Model is back, so I can whine and comment on it (which is something I do so well if I say so myself).
The competitions getting closer as there were only seven girls left (six by the end of the show and for once I was happy with the result #didn'tthrowmytoysoutthepram). This week speaking was as important as posing. The challenge saw the girls giving their honest opinions on each other, and saying it didn't go well would be an understatement. There were tears, tantrums and home truths but mostly everyone got over them.
So now to the photo's. The theme this week was to become 'broken dolls', it wasn't about being pretty, but looking like a doll from the Victorian times, and here is how they did:
Roxanne: This has to be her weakest photo to date. I feel for her because she really didn't get the theme of the shoot. Her poses didn't work with the brief and she couldn't get any facial expressions that didn't look pained or too modelly. But she is a good model and will redeem herself.

Risikat: Photo of the week this week. I love the wardrobe choice in this photo, but as the guest judge pointed out a model's job is to sell the clothes and she isn't doing it in this photo. She gets the point of the photo and is using her body well. Her facial expression also works well in the photo, and her face is the first thing I look to when I see this photo. #goodjob.

Madeline: No just no. I should just refuse to comment on her because she should NOT be in competition at the halfway point. But I am not (nearly but not) that petty and will give credit where credit is due. She tried really hard on this photo shoot (which was nice to see). Her pose is okay, her legs look really long in this photo. Her facial expression is well, she gave it her all and sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn't. I'll leave you to decide if it does, but sadly Madeline was sent home.

Lisa: Not Lisa's best photograph. Even though she is my favourite and has the best attitude, so I won't hold it against her. She didn't really understand how to use her face and it shows, in most of her photos she was pouting which did not go with the theme of the shoot. She was nearly in the bottom two, but was spared. There's always next week.

Letitia: Well she had a hard week with the new nickname of 'crybaby' which only really made her cry more. But she pulled it out for the photo shoot and was the photographer's favourite of the day. She had a wide variety of poses and facial expressions, but the photo that was chosen did not show this (I really want to know who picks these photos I'd like to have a word with them). Her face looks possessed and not in a good way (if there is one) and she had much better poses. #whatashame.

Anita: She is doing so well, she takes criticism on board and gets better every week. In this photo it looks like what she's selling is expensive, Her pose is flawless and she doesn't even look like herself in the face. Overall a great shot, I think she should have got best photo #justsaying.

Emma: Last but not least. She looks breath-taking in this photo, but has missed the point. She looks too pretty, and the poses aren't very doll-like but it's such a good shot that it kind of makes up for it, and she got 3rd picture so the judges liked it (which is always a bonus).
The competitions getting closer as there were only seven girls left (six by the end of the show and for once I was happy with the result #didn'tthrowmytoysoutthepram). This week speaking was as important as posing. The challenge saw the girls giving their honest opinions on each other, and saying it didn't go well would be an understatement. There were tears, tantrums and home truths but mostly everyone got over them.
So now to the photo's. The theme this week was to become 'broken dolls', it wasn't about being pretty, but looking like a doll from the Victorian times, and here is how they did:

Risikat: Photo of the week this week. I love the wardrobe choice in this photo, but as the guest judge pointed out a model's job is to sell the clothes and she isn't doing it in this photo. She gets the point of the photo and is using her body well. Her facial expression also works well in the photo, and her face is the first thing I look to when I see this photo. #goodjob.

Madeline: No just no. I should just refuse to comment on her because she should NOT be in competition at the halfway point. But I am not (nearly but not) that petty and will give credit where credit is due. She tried really hard on this photo shoot (which was nice to see). Her pose is okay, her legs look really long in this photo. Her facial expression is well, she gave it her all and sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn't. I'll leave you to decide if it does, but sadly Madeline was sent home.

Lisa: Not Lisa's best photograph. Even though she is my favourite and has the best attitude, so I won't hold it against her. She didn't really understand how to use her face and it shows, in most of her photos she was pouting which did not go with the theme of the shoot. She was nearly in the bottom two, but was spared. There's always next week.

Letitia: Well she had a hard week with the new nickname of 'crybaby' which only really made her cry more. But she pulled it out for the photo shoot and was the photographer's favourite of the day. She had a wide variety of poses and facial expressions, but the photo that was chosen did not show this (I really want to know who picks these photos I'd like to have a word with them). Her face looks possessed and not in a good way (if there is one) and she had much better poses. #whatashame.

Anita: She is doing so well, she takes criticism on board and gets better every week. In this photo it looks like what she's selling is expensive, Her pose is flawless and she doesn't even look like herself in the face. Overall a great shot, I think she should have got best photo #justsaying.

Emma: Last but not least. She looks breath-taking in this photo, but has missed the point. She looks too pretty, and the poses aren't very doll-like but it's such a good shot that it kind of makes up for it, and she got 3rd picture so the judges liked it (which is always a bonus).
Friday, 31 August 2012
Obsessions And Vintage Glamour
Can I just say that I have a new obsession in life, and that obsession is Downton Abbey. This always happens when I watch one of my mother's shows, I think I'm not going to like it, and then I'm hooked. I start wondering what's going to happen next and get emotionally attached to the characters #howverysad.
But anyway this had me thinking about how it must have been to live in 1912 (I still cannot believe that's 100 years ago #timegoesfast) and how it must been wearing those vintage (well not vintage at the time) items of clothing.
I love how all the characters both upstairs and downstairs dressed. Lady Mary, Edith and Sybil's clothes are beautiful and you can see the change through the years as the fashion (well maybe not Edith) becomes more relaxed. From tight fitted corsets at the beginning of the program in 1912 to Flapper dresses as they go through the 1920's. This is a great way to show how fashion evolved.
The gentlemen's clothing both upstairs and downstairs is amazing. I wished people dressed like this today. I'd love to go round wearing Flapper dresses all day long and men wearing tuxedos, how glamorous would life be? I'd probably go round thinking I was in a Bugsy Malone film, #borninthewrongdecade.
It would be nice to see this type of fashion make its way back in to our highstreet and wardrobes. But maybe not those corsets. To try and add some of this vintage glamour to your wardrobes the places to go are Vintage/ Charity shops, eBay and ZARA.
I don't know what it is about Downton Abbey that makes many people so interested but it seems to have a way of doing so. Their gripping storylines, impeccable dress sense and Maggie Smith's hilarious outbursts are probably what keeps me interested. I cannot wait for its return in September #happy.
But anyway this had me thinking about how it must have been to live in 1912 (I still cannot believe that's 100 years ago #timegoesfast) and how it must been wearing those vintage (well not vintage at the time) items of clothing.

The gentlemen's clothing both upstairs and downstairs is amazing. I wished people dressed like this today. I'd love to go round wearing Flapper dresses all day long and men wearing tuxedos, how glamorous would life be? I'd probably go round thinking I was in a Bugsy Malone film, #borninthewrongdecade.
It would be nice to see this type of fashion make its way back in to our highstreet and wardrobes. But maybe not those corsets. To try and add some of this vintage glamour to your wardrobes the places to go are Vintage/ Charity shops, eBay and ZARA.
I don't know what it is about Downton Abbey that makes many people so interested but it seems to have a way of doing so. Their gripping storylines, impeccable dress sense and Maggie Smith's hilarious outbursts are probably what keeps me interested. I cannot wait for its return in September #happy.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
How Supreme
The title refers to the new Little Mix photo shoot and not the amazing clothing. Little Mix seem to be everywhere at the minute. This is what always happens with X Factor winners you don't see them for like a year and then they suddenly pop up everywhere (they were on Styled To Rock and everything!). Well most singers have a photo shoot when they portray a character different from themselves, and Little Mix became iconic figures of the 60's. I loved the shoot, and thought they looked really nice, but you can judge that for yourself:
Here we have Perrie, who's usual style is rocker meets hippie. I love the way this photo is an iconic nod to the legend that is Twiggy. The mini beehive works and I love the jumper and Peter Pan collar. The pose works well and her make up is flawless.
This next photo shows Leigh-Anne, who's regular style is the most Urban of the group. This pose works very well and shows of her tiny and tall figure with the help of the stripes on this dress. I love this photo because she looks like Diana Ross. Her hair and make up work well with her face, so all in all a very nice photo.
Jade's regular style is very girly and flirty. This photo shows off her great beauty, but also pays homage to Twiggy. I love her hair in this photo because it reminds me of Amy Winehouse. Her jewellery is nice and does not overshadow her face.
The next photo is of Jesy, her regular style is sporty meets Urban and she has an obsession with leggings. I love this photo of her because it shows her weight loss, the dress makes her legs look really long. Her hair is nice and not as big as usual. I love the shoes (even though I have no idea how people walk in them) they are set to be the next big thing #futuretrend.
Here we have Perrie, who's usual style is rocker meets hippie. I love the way this photo is an iconic nod to the legend that is Twiggy. The mini beehive works and I love the jumper and Peter Pan collar. The pose works well and her make up is flawless.
This next photo shows Leigh-Anne, who's regular style is the most Urban of the group. This pose works very well and shows of her tiny and tall figure with the help of the stripes on this dress. I love this photo because she looks like Diana Ross. Her hair and make up work well with her face, so all in all a very nice photo.
Jade's regular style is very girly and flirty. This photo shows off her great beauty, but also pays homage to Twiggy. I love her hair in this photo because it reminds me of Amy Winehouse. Her jewellery is nice and does not overshadow her face.
The next photo is of Jesy, her regular style is sporty meets Urban and she has an obsession with leggings. I love this photo of her because it shows her weight loss, the dress makes her legs look really long. Her hair is nice and not as big as usual. I love the shoes (even though I have no idea how people walk in them) they are set to be the next big thing #futuretrend.
Little Mix's Usual Style:
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